Facebook softreg accounts. KING. 5 ad accounts. Verified by SMS. Verified by email, email included. Gender (female). Names (cyrillic). Profile filled (avatar, cover, 10+ posts, 30+ friends). Создан FunPage. 2FA included. Useragent, Cookies JSON and Token EAAB included. Registered with UA ip.
Product description
Facebook accounts are registered automatically.
5 ad accounts. 5 ad accounts have been added to the account, not counting the king's ad account (accounts that had an ad account created are included).
A native Fan-PayPage of the new type has been created! The administrative area of the Fan-PayPage has already been added to the accounts that are included. The Fan-Paypage has a profile picture, cover photo, description, and 2-5 posts.
Verified by email, working email included.
The phone number has been removed to protect you from number checks.
Registration and all actions on the accounts with UA ip.
Farm accounts for 20+ days and 10+ sessions of farming. daily activity (posts, likes, comments, groups, etc.). Activity on Facebook and outside it.
Female gender.
Account names in Cyrillic.
Profile filled (avatar, cover photo, 10+ posts, 30+ friends).
Token (EAAB), Useragent and Cookies included. Cookies are in JSON format.
2FA included.
Recommendations for working with accounts:
- Working with accounts, be sure to use proxy;
- Test a small number of accounts before purchasing a large batch;
Available, pcs.:Total:31 pcs.
Price for pcs.:Price: from 20.97$