Public offer

Effective from June 29, 2021.

This public offer (hereinafter - the Agreement) is an agreement between INSTALL-SHOP (hereinafter - INSTALL-SHOP) and individuals who use (hereinafter - Users) website (hereinafter - the Site).

By making a purchase/sale on the Site User accepts the terms of this Agreement and gives full and unconditional consent to the terms set forth in the Agreement, resulting in a legal relationship between INSTALL-SHOP and User (hereinafter collectively - Parties, separately - Party).

If you do not agree with any term of the Agreement or you do not understand it, please do not use the Site until the ambiguity or disagreement is resolved.


1.1 INSTALL-SHOP grants the User the right to use the Site and reserves the right to provide a similar level of access to an unlimited number of Users in accordance with the terms of this Agreement.

1.2 The use of the Site is carried out by the User independently, without direct involvement of INSTALL-SHOP. INSTALL-SHOP does not give any guarantees regarding the compatibility of the Site with the User's devices, using which the User performs certain actions on the Site, but can provide technical support and update the Site. The updated Site may contain correction of errors, defects, bugs and/or other innovations.

1.3 The right to use the Site is granted to Users from INSTALL-SHOP in accordance with the Tariffs posted on the Site.


2.1 INSTALL-SHOP grants, and the User receives the right to directly use the Site.

2.2 Registration.

2.2.1. The User may independently carry out registration on the Site in the manner provided by INSTALL-SHOP on the Site.

2.2.2 By registering the User automatically gives full and unconditional consent to all terms and conditions of the Agreement.

2.2.3 As a result of registration the User creates an account on the Site. The User accesses the account by personal username and password. The User is obliged to keep his password confidential. All actions performed using the User's account on the Site are considered to be performed by the User himself.

2.3 INSTALL-SHOP has the right to make changes to the Agreement unilaterally, of which the User who has registered will be notified by e-mail.

2.4 INSTALL-SHOP has the right to carry out scheduled technical work on the Site as a result of which certain functionality of the Site or the entire Site may be temporarily unavailable, of which INSTALL-SHOP may notify the User in advance by e-mail.

2.5. INSTALL-SHOP has the right to conduct unscheduled technical work on the Site in the case when the work is carried out in connection with the need to eliminate significant errors, vulnerabilities, as well as for cases of inoperability of the Site, not related to direct actions of INSTALL-SHOP (hacking, attacks, etc.).

2.6 The User is not entitled to assign its rights and obligations under the Agreement to third parties.

2.7. The User undertakes to refrain from: copying the Site, audiovisual displays, extracting information from it, including individual objects (images, sounds, videos, texts), performing other actions not expressly provided for by the interface of the Site.

2.8 Personal data

2.8.1 INSTALL-SHOP may collect technical and personal information when the User uses the Site. This information is collected only with the consent of the User and in accordance with the Privacy Policy of the Site.

2.8.2 The provision by the User of his personal data not provided for by the Agreement and Privacy Policy means his consent to their processing by INSTALL-SHOP for the purposes of execution of the Agreement.

2.9. The User undertakes to pay INSTALL-SHOP for the Services on time and in full in accordance with the procedure and tariffs defined on the Site.

2.9.1. The User has the right to request a refund for the order within 24 hours from the date of purchase of the account, if the account is inoperable due to the fault of INSTALL-SHOP and the replacement of the account is impossible. Refunds are possible on usdt trc-20 wallets and other similar wallets by agreement. Return to a bank card is impossible. The refund is made within 24 hours after the User's request to technical support.

2.10. The User undertakes to conduct transactions through the Site in accordance with the terms of the Agreement and within the framework of the technical functionality of the Site, subject to technical limitations. Violation of any of the conditions is a breach of the Agreement.

2.11 Prices in the offers of Users, are indicated taking into account the agency fee INSTALL-SHOP and commissions of payment systems, i.e. the amount that the User will pay.

2.12 Agency services and agency fee.

2.12.1 When the User makes a purchase on the Site, expressing acceptance of a specific offer of another User, he entrusts INSTALL-SHOP to provide agency and other services provided by this Agreement, and agrees that given that all registered Users of the Site have accepted the Agreement, the issuance of a power of attorney to the agent is not required.

2.12.2 The obligation to pay for the transaction between the Users is considered to be fulfilled at the moment of crediting funds to the balance of the User making the sale on the Site.

2.13.3. User understands and confirms that INSTALL-SHOP is not a party to the transaction between Users, but acts as an agent on behalf of the User making a purchase on the Site, on his behalf and at his expense, and therefore INSTALL-SHOP is not responsible for the possible actual and/or legal consequences of the transaction between Users.


3.1 This Agreement is valid until terminated by INSTALL-SHOP. In case INSTALL-SHOP decides to close the Website or otherwise suspend its operation, it will notify the User of its decision in advance. The Agreement shall be deemed terminated from the moment of closing the Site and/or other suspension of its operation, respectively.

3.2 In case of changes in the terms and conditions of the Agreement, the User shall get acquainted with them, and authorization by him on the Site, by entering his own e-mail and password, after the entry into force of the new version of the Agreement means its full acceptance.

3.3 In case of disagreement with the new version of the Agreement, the User must stop using the Site.

3.4 INSTALL-SHOP has the right to unilaterally withdraw from the Agreement if the User has violated any of the terms of the Agreement. The Agreement shall be considered terminated extrajudicially at the moment of actual deprivation of the User of authorized access to the Site.

3.5 INSTALL-SHOP has the right to refuse to enter into the Agreement if the User has previously violated the license terms and conditions of the Site or any other agreements concluded with INSTALL-SHOP, or to withdraw from the Agreement unilaterally at any time without any monetary compensation.


4.1 The INSTALL-SHOP Service and all related intellectual property rights, including copyrights in text, drawings, images, databases, audio and video contained on the INSTALL-SHOP Website (hereinafter "Copyrights and Intellectual Property Rights") are the property of INSTALL-SHOP.

4.2 INSTALL-SHOP has the right at any time to transfer all Copyright and Intellectual Property Rights in whole or in part to a third party without notice and without providing such information to the User, by granting an exclusive or exclusive license to use the Copyright and Intellectual Property Rights.

4.3 The User acknowledges all Copyrights and intellectual property rights and at the same time declares that he/she will always, when using INSTALL-SHOP and thereafter, observe and respect all Copyrights and intellectual property rights.


5.1 INSTALL-SHOP shall not be liable for any errors or defects in the Site, or for any other form of incorrect operation of the Site, which are beyond our control.

5.2 INSTALL-SHOP assumes no responsibility for the suitability of INSTALL-SHOP for the User's intended purposes.

5.3 The User is responsible for any use of the Site and INSTALL-SHOP data that violates this Agreement, as well as for any other improper or illegal use of the Site.

5.4 If the User uses the Site or INSTALL-SHOP data in a manner that is contrary to or inconsistent with the Agreement and the Privacy Policy, the User is solely responsible for all resulting damages.

5.5 Neither the User nor INSTALL-SHOP shall be liable for failure to fulfill its obligations caused by force majeure.


6.1 INSTALL-SHOP is not responsible for any actions on the Site, unless such actions were not carried out by INSTALL-SHOP and/or its employees deliberately to violate the terms of the Agreement.

6.2 The Website name and domain name are protected means of individualization. Their use without the consent of the right holder is inadmissible.

6.3 INSTALL-SHOP has the right to send to the User through the interface of the Site and / or through e-mail messages of various nature, relating exclusively to INSTALL-SHOP, the Site, the Agreement and services.

6.4 Electronic letters (and attachments thereto) - documents sent using electronic mail (e-mail), as well as documents sent through the account on the Site (notifications of data change

s, User's applications, messages, etc.) are recognized by the Parties as such, which are equivalent to documents on paper, signed by the handwritten signature of the respective Party.

6.5 Proper e-mail addresses are: on the part of INSTALL-SHOP - the e-mail addresses specified on the Website, and on the part of the User - the e-mail address specified by him at the conclusion of the Agreement.


E-mail: [email protected]

Telegram: @install_shop_com_abuse