Advertising integration options in our store

Advertising and partnerships

Placing banners on the main page

Banner parameters:

  • banner file size 500 kb;
  • banner size 475x70 px
  • .gif format


  • 1400 rubles per week
  • 5000 rubles per month

If you place a banner for 3 months, you get a 15% discount.

Procedure for placement of advertising materials:

  • the banner is removed from placement by agreement with the advertiser or 24 days after the end of the last paid day;
  • in case of repeated placement (after removal from placement) the advertiser is allocated the first free space starting from the top row;
  • when a banner is removed from sale, banners of other advertisers are promoted higher;
  • when prolonging the placement without removing the banner, the advertiser's place will be retained.

Partnership, advertising on your resource

Mutual exchange of links (with/without affiliate) on the page of popular services

Contacts for communication

For all questions concerning advertising and partnership - write to the following contacts: mail: [email protected]