How to use cookies: instructions for customers

What are cookies?

Cookies are data that a website stores in the clients browser for a certain length of time. Cookies can contain arbitrary small amounts of data, but most commonly cookies are used for:

  • authentication;
  • collecting statistics from the client;
  • storing client settings.

The most interesting from the point of view of working with purchased accounts is the option of using cookies as a storage of authentication token. After the client has logged into his account using a login and password, the site stores a special tag in cookies, by which it can recognize the user even if he closed the browser tab and returned to the site after some time. If you transfer the cookie to another browser or computer and log in to the site, then in essence the site should not suspect the "move", and the client will be able to work with it as if he had logged in by login and password. The main advantage of working through cookies - no need to authorize through login and password and increased trust from the site to such a login to the account.


In our store cookies can be presented in three formats:

  • json;
  • plain text;
  • plain text or json in a base64 container.

From the point of view of ease of use cookies in json format is the most convenient format. In this format cookies can be inserted into any of the existing browsers with the functionality of changing the fingerprint and immediately work.

Cookies in plain text format (example) can also be used immediately if your fingerprint changer software supports separate addition of cookie fields. In other cases, you will have to use a plain text to json converter or manually convert cookies to the required form using a text editor.

Cookies in base64 container (example). Before use, you must decompress the container. There are many online decoders for this purpose. After unpacking you will receive cookies in one of the two formats described earlier.