
Facebook softreg accounts. Registratuin date - 2022-2023. 4500+ friends. Verified by SMS. Verified by email firstmail.ltd, email included. Gender (female). Names (latin). Profile filled (partially). Prof. mode enabled. 1 BM. FanPage added. Registered with USA ip.

Product description

Facebook accounts are registered automatically.

Registratuin date - 2022-2023.

4500+ friends.

Verified by email firstmail.ltd, email included.

Gender female. Names (latin).

Profile filled (partially).

Created FP added 1-4 posts, avatar and cover. Created 1-2 BMs. (BM confirmed to firstmail.ltd) mail and password included.

500+ days of farming (likes, reposts, friends, groups, etc.).

Accounts are registered with USA ip.

Log in using a cookie. If the cookie login fails, log in with your username and password.

Available formats
name:login:password:email:password:birth date:id:cookies:additional email (BM):password

Recommendations for working with accounts:

  • Working with accounts, be sure to use proxy;
  • Test a small number of accounts before purchasing a large batch;


Available, pcs.:Total:5 pcs.

Price for pcs.:Price: from 21.75$
